Picó Flagship Store, is located in the Avenue Espioca 65 of Silla (Valencia), on the old Roman Via Augusta. One of the main and select exhibitions of luxury furniture in classic and contemporary style in Spain with more than 1,700m2 where you can find a large selection of furniture for home, kitchen, office and official estates. Our design department will provide professional advice tailored to your needs with the guarantee of a company with more than 70 years of experience.

Store Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Saturday Appointment Only

Sunday closed


    Responsable de los datos: PICO SA | Finalidad: Responder a la solicitud que me envíes y ofrecerte información adicional en futuros artículos | Legitimación: Tu consentimiento de forma expresa | Destinatario: MUEBLES PICO S.A. | Derechos: Tienes derecho al acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, portabilidad y olvido, para más información accede a la Política de Privacidad



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